
All types of community service hours that are given by the Recycling Committee are below.

Includes: Regular After School Recycling, Zone Captains (current and previous), Final Clean Out, Enviral Conference

Inside Hours

All hours received in the previous year will move up and accumulate to the current year.

With YOG as the spreadsheet name, tabs on the bottom signify the spreadsheet your name belongs in.

Color Code: Regular Recycling (white), Enviral Conference (orange), previous Zone Captain (green), Final Clean Out (blue)Shoot an email for mistakes with your name and YOG (bls.recyclingcommittee@gmail.com).
(IN) BLS Recycling Committee Indoor Hours
(OUT) BLS Recycling Committee Outdoor Hours

Zone captains

With the initial lunch of the year as the spreadsheet name, tabs on the bottom signify the spreadsheet your name belongs in.*

*Unless other circumstances present themselves.

If in the case of a lunch switch, still go to your assigned zone to that lunch, help members currently there, and receive attendance check from officers.

Updated daily.

Shoot an email for mistakes with your name, YOG, and Term 1 Lunch (bls.recyclingcommittee@gmail.com)
(IN) Zone Captains